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Selectboard Minutes July 20, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
July 20, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Alan Sentkowski, Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

FY09 Warrant #28 and FY10 Warrant #02
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

July 6, 2009 Regular Meeting – Joe moved to accept the minutes. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY08 Ice Storm Update
Joe reported everything is looking good and grinding will begin tomorrow.

Amendment to Agreement with MRPC -  HPT Trash Program
The Board received a request from Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) to extend the Inter-Municipal agreement.  Joe moved to authorize the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to sign the agreement between the Town of Princeton and MRPC. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).
An HTP meeting will be held next Tuesday. The Board will discuss setting up future programs with automatic enrollment with the option to opt out.

Town Counsel Recommendations –Tree Warden/Contractor Status
The Board reviewed Town Counsel’s Conflict of Interest Opinion for Joe Lee’s status as Tree Warden and Project Manager for debris removal through Chestnut Forestry Service.
Town Counsel determined the position of Tree Warden and Project Manager qualifies for exemption from MGL c. 268A, section 20, if the Board designates the position as a special municipal employee.
Joe moved to designate the position of Tree Warden as a special municipal employee. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Joe moved to designate the position of Project Manager, Chestnut Forestry Service as a special municipal employee. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Joe Lee must file (with the Town Clerk) a disclosure of financial interest for both positions.
UniPay Gold On-line Payment System
John Lebeaux presented an overview of the UniPay Gold online payment software offered by UniBank.  The town and PMLD are currently using the software, this would be an upgrade with no additional cost.  Joe moved to accept the UniPay Gold system. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Chairlift Installation Request – Princeton Center
Permission to install a chair lift in the Princeton Center has been requested by the Princeton Arts Society, Princeton Historical Society, and Princeton Center Building Committee. The cost will be solely covered through fundraising.  There was discussion about the ADA waiver and how that may impact the building in the future. John will research and get back to the Board.
Joe moved to allow the request with involvement of the Building Inspector. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Advisory Board Membership Status
Reviewed the current Advisory Board membership status report and Chapter III of the Princeton Bylaws. The bylaw is silent on alternate membership. The Board is not in favor of changing the bylaw. The next step is to staff a full membership without alternates.

Election Officers Appointments
Alan moved to appoint the following residents to serve as Election Officers with a term to expire on July 20, 2010. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

  • Linda J. Albrech, 166 Beaman Road
  • Carla Z. DeFosse, 299 Worcester Road
  • Judith Dino, 84 Main Street
  • Louise Dix, 74 Hobbs Road
  • Susan Dolphin, 25 Pheasant Hollow Run
  • Barbara Gates, 36 Esty Road
  • Carl Lapoint, 165 Brooks Station Road
  • Sandra Lord, 38 Main Street
  • Ellen O’Brien, 29 Gregory Road
  • Bobbye Samdahl, 3 Gregory Road
  • Marcia Sands, 4 Goodnow Road
  • Susan Schlaikjer, 25 Willson Road
  • Joyce Szerejko, 89 Hobbs Road
  • Helen Townsend, 126 Hobbs Road
  • Louis Trostel, 312 Mirick Road
  • Mary Trostel, 312 Mirick Road
  • Jane Weisman, 66 Bullard Road
  • Victoria Whiting, 88 Brooks Station Road
  • William Whiting Jr., 88 Brooks Station Road
Revised School Assessment - Decrease
Reviewed revised assessment letters from Wachusett Regional School District (WRSD) & Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School District (MRVTCD).  WRSD assessment is down $101,027.00 and MRVTCD is down $2,559.00.

Department of Agricultural Resources - Preservation Notice
Reviewed a notice of potential purchase of agricultural preservation restriction and related town requirements on Assessors map 12, lots 1 & 16, located at 110 Hubbardston Rd, also known as the Smith property. The Board is pleased with the possibility.  The next step is for the Princeton Land Trust (PLT) to work with DCR to acquire the property.  Joe moved to authorize the clerk to sign the notice of potential purchase of agricultural preservation restriction for property identified on Assessors map 12, lots 1 & 16. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0). Joe signed the notice.

Stimulus Funds Grant Opportunity
John met with Representative Harriet Chandler to discuss stimulus funding for municipalities.   There is some energy funding options available for cities and towns with populations under 35,000, with a cap of $150,000 for grants. The Board discussed upgrading the Princeton Center building, as it is expensive to heat. John will get the details on the program as they come available and the Board will discuss at a future meeting.

Cemetery Deed- Rehrauer
Alan moved to approve the exchange of Lot 17D, space b in Woodlawn Cemetery in consideration of $300.00 for Lot 17B spaces c & d, also in Woodlawn Cemetery to Harold W. Rehrauer and his heirs.  Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Retirement - Police Chief Charles Schmohl
The Board reviewed a letter from Chief Schmohl stating his notice to retire on September 13, 2009. Raymond moved to accept with regret, the retirement notice from Chief Schmohl. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Police Chief Transition
John will arrange for Chief Schmohl to attend the August 3rd BOS meeting from 6:00 to 7:00 pm to discuss the transition and job description.  John reviewed ideas for the process of hiring a new police chief.  Lieutenant Powers could be appointed as interim chief until a decision is made on how to proceed.

FY10 Goals Draft
Reviewed the latest draft. Goals will be discussed in detail at the annual retreat.

Public Comment
There were no comments from the public.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary